I don't have to be perfect.
All I have to do is show up
and enjoy the messy, imperfect,
and beautiful journey of my life.
- Kerry Washington
A snuggly winter day.
Bronx doing dinosaur puzzles on the Ipad. I have put furniture in the new bedroom now except for finding night stands (I want antiques since the other is new to balance the room) and I am refinishing an antique vanity that was in my mother's family for my dressing table.
I don't have the proper bedding on yet as I wanted to get through the holidays before starting that project. I don't want to rush it so it will be perfect. I am sure knowing me, and Martin, that I will go white and cuddly and soft and then add a beautiful quilt that pops with the color turquoise. That is what I am thinking anyway. It's nice to have these little projects out there for me.